Integrated Assemblies

ĵֱ provides rapid payload custom design and production for the enormous variety of space communication systems. From traditional long life GEO and MEO satellites to large LEO / New Space constellations; today our hardware is found on over unique 100 space systems.

We specialize in systems engineering, design and production for complex satellite payload subsystems involving amplification, filtering, LO generation and frequency conversion. Working closely with our customers, an optimal balance of functionality, performance, SWAP, redundancy and reliability is achieved.

Integrated Assembly 10.23_500 x300

Pre and Post Processor Multipack Converter Assembly

Integrated Assembly 3

Frequency Command-able Integrated Ultra Stable Master Reference Assembly


The Integrated Assemblies illustrated below are a few examples of the many types delivered units.


Integrated Ultra Stable Master Reference and Local Oscillator Assembly

Integrated Assembly 2_500 x400

Integrated redundant Pre and Post Processor Converter Assembly